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35 Most Useful Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcut & Tips


Basic Keyboard Shortcut for Excel

Keystroke / Shortcut Function
Ctrl + N Create a new workbook.
Ctrl + O Open an existing workbook.
Ctrl + S Save the active workbook.
F12 Save the active workbook under a new name, displays the Save as dialog box.
Ctrl + C Copy the contents of the selected cells to Clipboard.
Ctrl + X Cut the contents of the selected cells to Clipboard.
Ctrl + V Insert the contents of the Clipboard into the selected cell.
Ctrl + Z Undo your last action.
Ctrl + P Open the “Print” dialog / print preview window.
Ctrl + F4 / Ctrl + W Close the active workbook.



Most Used Keyboard Shortcut for Data Entry in Excel


Keystroke / Shortcut


Edit the current cell.


Press F2 to edit the current cell.
Enter a new line in Cell

Alt + Enter

To enter new line while editing (typing) the cell, press Alt + Enter.
Enter Data and move down


Press Enter After entering data on a cell, to move the cursor down by one cell.
Enter Data and move up

Shift + Enter

Press Shift + Enter After filling data on a cell, to move the cursor above the current cell.
Enter Data and move right


Press Tab after filling data on a cell, to move the cursor right to the current cell.
Enter Data and move left

Shift + Tab

Press Enter + Tab after filling data on a cell, to move the cursor below the current cell.
Complete entry and stay in same cell

Ctrl + Enter

Press Ctrl + Enter After filling data on a cell, to stay in cell.
Enter same data in multiple cells

Ctrl + Enter

Select multiple cells and enter the data on one cell then Press Ctrl +Enter to enter the same data in all cells in the selection at once.
Insert current date

Ctrl + ;

To Insert the current date in selected cell press Ctrl+;
Insert current time

Ctrl + Shift + :

To Insert the current time in selected cell press Ctrl +shift+: .
Duplicate of upper cell

Ctrl + D

To make a copy of upper cell press Ctrl + D on down cell.
Total Calculation

Alt + =

Calculate total sum of cell above in a column by pressing Alt + =
Duplicate of upper row

Ctrl + D

If we make a selection of whole row before pressing Ctrl + D on down row then it will make duplicates of upper row at once.
Note: We can also make a copy of cells by selecting cells and dragging the cursor from the corner of the selected cell.
Copy from cell left

Ctrl + R

Pressing Ctrl + R will make duplicate from left cell to right cell.
Copy formula from the cell above

Ctrl + ‘

To copy the formula from upper cell press Ctrl + ‘ .
Copy value from the cell above

Ctrl + Shift + “

To copy only result of some formula from upper cell, press Ctrl+ shift+”.
Open paste special after copying.

Ctrl + Shift + V

After copying something from cell press Ctrl + Shift + V to open “Paste special” dialog
Add hyperlink

Ctrl + K

To add a hyperlink on any cell press Ctrl+K.
Move cursor from one edge cell to another edge on actual data consisting area of excel.

Ctrl + Arrow keys

To move the cursor from top cell to bottom cell on actual data consisting area, press Ctrl + down arrow key.
To move the cursor from bottom cell to top cell on actual data consisting area, press Ctrl + UP arrow key.
Select the entire column

Ctrl + Space

Pressing Ctrl + Space on cell will selcect entire column of respective cell.
Select the entire row

Shift + Space

Pressing Shift + Space on cell will selcect entire row of respective cell.
Select Worksheet

Ctrl + A

Press Ctrl + A once to select the table that contain Cursor and Ctrl + A multiple times to select entire worksheet
Selecting row/column/table on current table

Ctrl +Shift + Arrow keys

Use combination of Ctrl +Shift + Arrow keys to make selection on current table.
Open the “Format Cells” dialog.

Ctrl + 1

To open Format cell option to select cell type like number, text, time, currency etc. Press  Ctrl + 1 ( “1” from left of keyboard, not from Numeric Pad).
Convert selected cells into a table

Ctrl + T

To convert selected cell into table press Ctrl + T .


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